Now, there are only two animals on the planet that the Creator identified himself with. I've read, hundreds of books and that's Michael in, for the last 20 years. I've been reading books a month, which gives you an idea of how much reading I do. Because if you're going to become an influence in the world, you have to be a reader. And when I read the Bible, I was shocked to find that there are two animals that the Creator identify themselves.The first one is the eagle. And the second animal is the lion. And when I identify those two animals as his favorite to identify himself with, I recognized, I better study these two animals because if he is the leader of the universe and I want to be a leader on Earth, I better find out the nature of these animals and also the attitude of these animals and I discovered that both of them are the kings of their domain.
The eagle is the king of the bird kingdom and the lion is the king of the animal kingdom. Well, I want to talk about the lion today, even though I can do a session on the eagle, which is very important. But not talk a little bit about the lion. The lion has, what I call the spirit of leadership, and the word Spirit here is referring to attitude. A leader has an attitude that makes him or her different from followers. And the lion exhibits that attitude. We have to cultivate the same attitudes that the lion has because the lion apparently has been given the same attitudes that God himself identifies with and he put it in these creatures. And apparently, you and I are supposed to be the king. Of the animal kingdom the rulers of all animals. So obviously we have some, we've trapped on the inside these same potential attitudes. Now, the lion is the king of the jungle, but the lion is a great source of encouragement. To all of us.
Number one, the lion is not the tallest animal in the jungle.
Number two, the lion is not the largest animal in the jungle.
Number three. The lion is not the heaviest Animal in the jungle.
Number 4 the lion, is not the smartest animal or the most intelligent and one of the youngest.
And yet the lion is the king.
You don't need to be intelligent. You don't need to be smart, you don't need to have a certain height. You don't need to have a certain weight. You don't need to have any kind of advantage and yet you can be the leader. Now, what's the main thing that shops with the lion are that the lion is not larger than the giraffe. Bigger than the elephant or heavier than the hippo. He's not as smart as the hyena or the snake. And yet, when he shows up, they all run away, the lion, therefore cancels. All of your excuses for not becoming a leader. What makes the lion? So unique, an army of sheep. Led by a lion will always defeat, an army of lions led by a sheep because Leadership can transform cowards into violent Warriors. Why would a lion become the king of the jungle? When he has all of those limitations, he's not the tallest, not the strongest, not the smartest, not the heaviest, not the most intelligent, but yet he runs things. The lion is the king of the jungle because of one-word attitude, the lion has a different attitude that makes every animal Afraid of him. Now, we don't want to lead by fear, but it does take respect for you to become a leader. When I use the word fear, in the jungle, we talking about respect the elephant respects life, the hyenas respect the lion, and the giraffes respect life. What makes these massive animals? Respect, such a small cap, the attitude is the difference. For example. A lion will see an elephant and the thing that comes with mind one-word lunch, not an elephant is 10 times, the size of the lion, probably 50 times heavier and has more power. One stump of his feet could destroy the lion but when the lion sees the elephant, he doesn't look at size and weight and strength and power. He looks at lunch, I could eat this thing and he acts the way he thinks you see the sign, Size is not the problem. The weight of the elephant is not his concern. What makes him act is the way he thinks, I'm because he thinks he can eat the elephant, and he attacks its leadership attitude. Now here's another amazing mystery. The elephant is larger and bigger. Stronger more powerful, heavier, and more intelligent, and yet when the elephant sees the lion one word comes to mind eating the air. Front, it's controlled. By the way, he thinks he thinks that he is lunch there for his size. His weight, his power, his might his authority is a victims of the way he thinks it doesn't matter how big you are. How intelligent you are? How many degrees have you got? It's your mind that keeps you small and it doesn't matter how small you are, how unintelligent you may seem to be, or how much you do. Don't have any. It's your mind that makes you delete it, attitude. The difference between a leader and a follower is an attitude, why? Because it is unique attitudes that distinguish leaders from followers.
They think differently. That's because attitudes produce certain behaviors and those behaviors stretch the leader beyond the limitations of the norm. In other words, it is the thinking of the person that makes them see, circumstances differently how Do you think to write this down? Attitude is a product of belief. This is very important to develop your leadership. Attitude is a product of belief. You cannot have an attitude beyond your belief. So your attitude comes from your belief system. The lion is the king because of what he believes about himself and what he believes about. The elephant and the giraffe, he believes that they are our lunch and he believes he can eat them. His belief system controls the whole situation when they meet I was born in a house on fire rocks, with two bedrooms,11 kids, one mother one father, one bedroom for my mom and dad the other for my seven sisters. And of course, the boys find somewhere to sleep. I remember sleeping on a mattress on the floor. I've never seen one time on a mat that she never kept the mosquitoes up all around. I was in poverty. We didn't know that. Could everybody was born the only way you know, you're poor? It's raining meet a rich person and there I was sleeping on the floor. Wonderful family, they love me being up on that. My present loved us.We love them. We had a great family, but we didn't have much. And every opportunity was around me to think - I was on the other side, but alcoholics were all over the place. And I remember my mother and father would tell us things to fix our belief system. They would say you can do anything you want to do something and they said that when I'm sleeping on the wrong, they were working on my belief system, and then they taught us the Bible. Now I don't know about you and your beliefs, or what the Bible is, but the Bible made me what I am today. So don't you talk bad about the Bible and if you don't believe in the Bible, that's okay. I'm doing just fine, believe me and the Bible helped me become what I am but it was that book that checked my thinking Ephesians 3 wasn't ready, don't you laugh at the Bible? The worst said now unto him, who is able to do exceedingly abundantly evolved far beyond all you can ever ask the Imagine according to the power that working within you, I went from an F student to an, a student in one semester because of my belief system, I graduated head boy. It was my belief system, no one can live beyond the limits of their belief. So if you want to live beyond what you're living, now you have to change your belief system, leaders are born when you have discovered of a new belief system. The secret to anyone Rising is what happens in their belief system, your life is what you think it should be. That's exactly what you are right now, you are what you thought you should be and if you don't like who you are, you gotta change what you think you should be.
That's how leaders are born. No amount of training in leadership skills or management methods, or titles no amount of promotion or associations with. Rich people are smart. People can never substitute for the right attitude, know something for it. As a matter of fact, your leadership development is determined by number one.Your perception of who you are is number two why? You think you exist and number three, these are very important. Your sense of significance. I am giving you my secret to life, right here, when bought myself from the floor to Flying my own jet. Is this simple statement here, you got the first Change your perception of who you are and that stands for the belief system. Secondly, you must change your perception of why you think you exist. And number three, your sense of significance. Your perception of who you are, you've got to change and most of our perceptions are other people's concepts of us therefore we don't have a self-concept. We got another concept. What is your percentage of who you are? And the second one, why do you think you exist? You got to discover that you were born. Something, for some reason, there's some purpose for your life. If you don't discover that, you'll always have a job and we'll bury you in an average grave with an average Tombstone. Discover that you are important to the human race. You are important to the world. You are important to your Universe. When I had to Grapple with that question. It was tough because I've been taught by Society that you have that, you are just a social security number or some NIV number, or you some juice. Kind of a worker in the system, but that's not true. You were born to do something very significant in the world and you have to get to the point where you believe that cultivating, these attitudes are the key to becoming a leader.
Now, when attitudes of leadership are married to the ability of leadership, then you become a leader, you can have potential, but if you don't have the belief, your potential becomes a victim of your present, belief. Remember the elephant, the elephant has great power, but what makes him afraid of the lion is his belief. So your mentality had to be equal to your ability, you to manifest leadership, you do have the ability, you were born with it, to be a leader with your mentality hasn't been mastered yet, and that's why all of your capacity to lead is buried under your lack of belief that you can belief is so powerful. It can make an elephant act like a sheep in the presence of a liar, you know, normally people who are insecure whenever they meet, Somebody who is confident, they always call The Confident arrogant, when you discover who you are, you can't help but be confident. I don't pretend I don't try to have confidence if you try. That means you ain't at it. If you're Fake, confidence is a product of belief but your belief in yourself determines the way you think about yourself. And the way you think about yourself is the way you behave. And you behave bold and confident and feel it. Because there are some things you discovered about yourself and about life that makes life change my perception. You can never fully carry out the Mandate of leadership.If you don't have the mentality of leadership.