Power of Respect
As Bruce Lee said, knowledge will give you power but character will give you respect. Respect and honor is not given or demanded. It must be aren't respect honor and love is something that is demanded by everyone. Everyone wants these three things but the sad thing is very people are able to earn respect in their life. It is very difficult to live in asociety without respect. The person who is not respected in the society has no value inthe society, those person. Are not given much more importance in the society, it takes alot of effort and time for a person to earn his respect inthe society. But this is also a fact, it does not even take one minute to lose that honor. We are one minute away from losing that respect, respect is a basic human need and every single human deserves respect.
Although we don't always know how to get it and Society Reach people is always respected by everyone but without being rich or Big money. You can also earn respect or get respect in society. So today I want to share with you seven tips to get respect by following these tips, you will be able to earn respect, even if you are a student or you are in any field.
Number one
Show people that you respect yourself, the first rule of earning respect is to respect yourself. As just awhiskey said,if you want to be respected by others, the great thing is to respect yourself only why that only by self-respect. Will you compare others to respect? You self-respect? Is the most important part to get respect from others. Treat yourself with love and respect and it will attract people who saw you love and respect people respect, only those respect themselves, those who trust themselves, those who are confident and those who love themselves. When you love and respect yourself.
You stop comparing yourself with others, self-respect, makes aperson confident to get rich. Back from others. You have to know that confidence is not walking into a room thinking. You're better than anyone else. It's walking in knowing you don't have to compare yourself to anyone else and person who respects himself is never going to waste his time and energy to compare. With other people, suppose you made two persons, thefirst one who does not respect himself and waste his time and energy to compare himself to other people on other side. The second person who is fully configured It respects himself and understands the value of his time and he never waste his time and energy to compare himself to other people. So which one of those two would you respect more? The second one, right? That's why before, baking respect from others, you have to respect yourself. You have to love yourself first. You have to be a confident person. As Mandy Hills said, you will never gain any more approval by begging for it when you stand confident in your own worth respectful.
Number two, is top apologizing. When you make a mistake, and you'd meet that, it's your fault, and you said, sorry for that. But it's still he or she is angry with you, and let her stay angry or disappointed. Because same story again, and again, might cause you to lose self-respect by all means. Don't apologize accessibly doing. So might cause people to see you as inferior. If the person is very important in your life then say sorry three or four times but by begging for An apology again and again because you losing your self-esteem by saying sorry again and again you lose your self-respect and sell value.
Number three
Focus on your Goals. Mostly said, concentration is the root of all higher. Abilities in man Robinson must say that stop managing a Time. Start managing your focus. Nothing can add more self-respect or self-esteem to your life than concentrating. All of your energies on a limited set up targets because If you are a person who has astrong goal or dreams and he work hard to achieve that goals if youdon't waste time gossiping and irrespective everyone or if you just focusing on improving yourself then people would see you as atrustworthy and admired person. They will recommend you as a good later, they will say that this person never waste his time on gossiping and he won't leave, Alice his goals and works and he respects everyone. And in this way, you will earn people's respect.
Number Four
Give respect and take respect. You may have read the Newton's third law that is for every action. There is an equal and opposite reaction. That means people will treat you the way you treat them by respecting others. You can earn respect of others, always respect another's, opinion, and another's. Point of view, if you don't give much more importance and value to other people and how can you expect the value and respect from others?
Always, so respect as Nelson Mandela explained in his autobiography. Long, walk to freedom. I defeated my opponents without dishonoring them. If you respect others, then they will obey your orders. They will follow you and agree with you. So, keep respect to take respect.
Number five
Keep your promises, he who is most slow in making promises is the most paid full in performance of it. So make less promises but stay loyal on your promises. Never make afake promise. Never lie to anyone straight, to do what you say that you are going to To do because the person who keeps his promises are always recognized as a high-value, man or woman. Those personal welcome to everywhere as a highly respected person. Denis, waitley said, losers make promises they often break but winners make commitment. They've always keep keeping your promises is by far. One ofthe most important actions you can take to start gaining respect. If you took commitments lightly in thepast, don't do that anymore. All of his honor, our commitments and Promises If you find yourself having a lot of trouble with that, it means you make too many promises that you can't keep. And if you can't keep promises, no one is going to respect you. People will see you as a loser and cheater.
Number six
Be a good listener as roii. Moody said the greatest motivational act, one person can do for another is to listen, the golden rule of respect his to listen to others,as you would have them listen to you. As Itold you in my previous video, ifyou have To stay silence and become agood listener. Whether you want to earn respect, or youwant to improve your communication skill. If you are a person with parrot attitude who always focus on talking more or you don't give any chance to anyone to talk, the no one is going to respect you or listen to you. They will see you as a talker. There was a power in the words. Yes, yes.I see exactly what you were saying. You mean this? So start the person you hear him or hard. That's all. They usually want to. Validated by agreeing with them or listening them. It gradually earned the respect. So, listen more and talk.
Last Number seven
Wear clean clothes. You may hard the code never judge abook by it's cover. That means never judge a person by his or her dress but sometimes Race Matters. Suppose there are two people in front of you one who wear the clean clothes. And another who wear dirty clothes, which one of them you are going to respect the first one. Where the plane towards, right? It's a human nature. Everyone who chose the first one? And that's why, at least you should wear clean clothes. Now, I'm not talking about the brand that they were expensive clothes, because it's a fact that no one should be treated as good or bad by their clothes. No one's character should be determined by their clothes, but at least wear clean clothes because it matters no matter what type of dress you wear, it must be clean, because it affects your self-image and it helps people We'll just see you as a respected or good character person. So whatever you wear it, determines your character just like the person comes out wearing police dresses. It probably would respect him or if a person a wearing airports are me. Dices again, it would respect him. So no matter what you were at least wear clean clothes. So let's sum up all the points together which are going tohelp you to earn respect from others.
Number one, you must stop apoliticizing again and again because this can cause you lose Using self. Respect.
number two, you must respect yourself. You must see yourself as highly valued person and then people will respect you.
Number three, you must have to focus on your goals.
Number four, you have to do what you said, you were going to do.
And number five, you must keep your promises and stay commented on that.
Number 6, you must be a good listener.
And number seven, you must wear clean clothes. Thank you so much guys for Reading this Blog, if you really think that this Blog is helpful or if you want more, Blog like this. Then make sure to subscribe this BLOG and share it with your friends and family.
Thank you so much guys.